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Lead the future class of leaders

Cultivate the next generation of engaged, curious and successful leaders with an online learning platform ​​grounded in cognitive science, and designed with your students at its center. 

Achieve your teaching goals in less time. Offer an engaging learning environment to foster knowledge retention, educational attainment, and academic achievement. Enable students to optimize their memory to retain knowledge longer, so they can apply that knowledge to excel on exams, pass certifications, and graduate to jumpstart their future careers.  


Improve student success

94% of students who use Memre recommend Memre. Students become more engaged when studying in short bursts of frequent practice over time. Spaced learning helps them retain more knowledge longer, helping them improve their grades. Higher course completions build confidence for sustained learning improvements needed to reduce DFWI rates. The solution fosters effective study habits that fuel success beyond college.

Increase graduation rates

Power your goal of preparing students for their future careers. Monitor student progress in real time and take actionable insights with Memre predictive analytics. Identify those students with learning gaps and take corrective measures, even before they take an exam. Help them increase their grades, complete a course, and graduate with the confidence they need to start their professional chapters.


Reduce lecture time

Give your faculty the essential tool for success —right from their desks on campus, at home, on the go, even offline. With Memre online learning platform, faculty members free up to 50% of actual lecture time to focus their efforts on group projects, coaching and personal development of students.


Case study

NYU College of Dentistry reduces learning hours by 50% with Memre


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Reduction in learning hours

Memory retention leads to student retention

Knowledge naturally fades over time. Humans forget 75% of the material learned within 48 hours of studying, with diminishing retention over time. Memre’s cognitive foundation is built around the practice of optimizing memory to reverse the forgetting curve. Patented Memre algorithms analyze every student interaction on the platform to determine the optimum duration, frequency, and depth of content to be delivered at the exact moment each individual's memory is set to fade.

Memre helps you teach along the remembering curve, giving your students the tools to retain and enhance their memory, and recall and apply knowledge with accuracy and confidence, when they need it, for as long as they need it.

A major adaptive learning platform for every major

Easily author and deliver adaptive material for any course of study. Memre can search to scan online academic repositories for any keyword or special term to speed the content creation process by up to 50%. You can easily import, edit, organize or repurpose your existing content and schedule quizzes with advanced multimedia tools to reduce your administrative burden. 

Memre is an adaptive learning platform that drives student success to execute your strategic vision. You can achieve your unique teaching objectives by using Memre as a foundational platform, in every subject area, with every class and individual learner. If you already have an LMS, Memre can augment your learning software for deeper learning and longer-lasting knowledge. You can power your existing instructional technology with Memre through seamless integration with standard LTI or a simple API.

Already have an LMS? Learn how to integrate Memre to your existing learning environment.

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Activate student success with analytics and insights

Drive the success of individual classrooms and your entire department with robust analytics. Track student progress and long-term knowledge retention. Monitor, share and act on student performance data to make better, more-informed decisions. Help struggling students improve their knowledge and grades. Discover how they learn, and what they’re capable of accomplishing, to guide them in becoming who they want to be.


Want to learn more?

Book a 30-minute complimentary consultation with a Memre expert.




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